Music is my first love. I’ve grown up with jazz, hip-hop, musical theatre, pop, folk, and rock! Since I started writing music at the age of eighteen, I quickly learned how each genre has poured into my style. Writing music has allowed me to express my emotions to myself and others in a way I never have before. It allows me to let the melody tell my story.



Saturday, March 15th, Baby fearn will be making her return back to the stage in a whole new way! Withe Hill House the Band kicking things off for the evening, Don’t miss a night of pure joy at Radio Bean! Grab you’re tickets be fore they’re gone!

Baby fearn grew her routes in Vermont as a singer, performer, and glitter-loving pansexual.  As a former musical theater kid, her passion for storytelling, performing, and singing continued. After She Released her first EP, Amber Walls, she knew that music and performance was her purpose. Now, stepping into a fresh chapter, she explores a  mix of pop, jazz, musical theatre, soul, and rock. Creating community is her biggest goal, and she hopes to be able to not only be a part of it but create a space through her music that is safe and fun for everyone. Whether she’s being playful, flirty, or introspective, Baby Fearn strives to spark joy in everyone in the space so come hang out and enjoy the show.

Baby Fearn

Listen to Baby Fearn Below!

You can Find me playing locally in the Burlington VT Area and and more!


My first single I released ‘Giddy’ in 2020 will give you all the bounce and butterflies we all feel when we meet someone new!

I later released an EP Called Amber Walls.



Amber Walls was created and released in less than two years and explains the troubles and joys of being so young in New York City. It is said that too many amber walls in one room can cause frustration and stress while one wall creates balance.